Thursday, June 30, 2005

Trap All Key Presses Independent of Focus

I posted the following to the C# msdn forums ( You can find the thread here.

Using Visual C# .NET Compact Framework 1.0, I'm trying to trap all keypresses in a top level System.Windows.Forms.Form whether or not the form has Focus. Basically I want to delegate key events on my own. The problem is that only the currently Focused Control receives events (KeyPress, KeyDown, etc.). I would like a high level key event manager that peeks (does not consume) all key related events for a Form. Can anyone help me here?

I looked at the RegisterHotKey API but that is only for C++ and, as the method name implies, that is only for registered keys -- not the entire set of keys. If this is the only way or best way of trapping keypresses, I guess I will have to write a C# wrapper but I would prefer some other method.

Is there a known way of doing this?

I got one response from Daniel who said, "Look at the ApplicationEx class (and message filters) in the Smart Device Framework (SDF) from OpenNETCF." Unfortunately I can't use OpenNet CF because it is Open Source. He also pointed me to a newsgroup discussion. The consensus seems to be that the .NET CF does not make this easy, so you should just use OpenNET CF :( For example, here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you should take a look at OpenNETCF's license (the shared source license). It is quite different from other licenses you may find

Sriram Krishnan