Friday, June 17, 2005

Storing Application Data on SmartPhones

Application data is typically about two things: settings and application preferences that the user expects the application to keep even after it is terminated, and transactional or reference data brought from a remote server or entered by the user. Microsoft SQL Server™ 2000 for Windows CE Edition (SQL Server CE) is a popular choice for application data storage on Pocket PCs and other Windows CE devices. Other options have to be used in Smartphone applications since SQL Server CE is not available for the platform. Persisting data to the registry is not generally recommended because flushing the registry to permanent store is quite resource intensive. For Smartphone applications, using local XML files is a common alternative.

(from MSDN)


Anonymous said...

You can use SQL Mobile 3.0 with Smartphones - try it with VS 2005 Beta 2


jonfroehlich said...

But can I use SQL Mobile 3.0 with a SmartPhone .NET CF 1.0 project? It gets really confusing because although I am using VS2005 b2, I can only develop in .NET CF 1.0 for my SmartPhone because it is running Windows Mobile 2003.

Anonymous said...

No. SQL Mobile supports Smart phone 2005 projects in Visual Studio.

SQL Mobile ADO.NET provider needs .NET CF 2. ADO.NET provider will not work with .NET CF1