Saturday, June 25, 2005

MSDN API for SmartPhones

I must admit, I find the MSDN API really confusing compared to javadoc. Err, scratch that. I find the MSDN API really confusing compared to any documentation system ever including IKEA assembly instructions.

I am trying to find an easy reference for the C# SmartPhone API. Unfortunately, all I can find is the ordinary MSDN .NET API (can't even find the reduced .NET Compact Framework API). So, I have to scroll down to the bottom of the API reference to make sure that it includes .NET Compact Framework... Even then, the class is not guaranteed to work.

Case in point: the ButtonBase class. Go to the MSDN ButtonBase Class Overview page and you will see that it is a compatible with the compact framework. Then open up the constructor page, found here, and note that platform support for the compact framework is curiously missing. I had a devil of a time trying to build a custom control class that inherits from ButtonBase (VS2005 b2 kept saying "No overload for method 'ButtonBase' takes '0' arguments"). I finally gave up. I had then hoped to derive a class from UserControl but it seems that this class is not supported by the .NET compact framework either. Hmm...

I feel like I am certainly missing something with regards to the MSDN documentation system. Is it too much to ask for to gain access to an easy API reference which just includes SmartPhone 2003 supported classes?

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