Thursday, January 11, 2007

Get Control From Handle

I have not yet determined a clean way to invoke code on the UI thread without access to a Form/Control. The Process class has a property called "MainWindowHandle," which returns the window handle of the main window of the associated process. So, for example, Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainWindowHandle would return a Handle (HWND) to the main window. But how can we translate a window handle to a Form?

In .NET 2.0, this is relatively easy, we can simply call Control.FromHandle(IntPtr handle). Thus, receiving access to the main window is simply:

Unfortunately, however, .NET CF 2.0 does not expose the Control.FromHandle method. I have not found anyone on the web who has solved this problem. A few relevant links:

1. How do I get System.Control object from a Win32 Handle?
2. Google Groups.

Given the limitations of CF, one hacky way to do this would be to expose a static property on your MainForm class which would return a reference to itself. This would actually work in my case as the MainForm should not be instantiated more than once.

Update 01/30/2007: I just made a post to Google Groups about this (link).

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