Saturday, July 16, 2005

Overview of .NET Compact Framework Garbage Collection

What are the ramifications of calling GC.Collect()?

You’ve probably heard the old wisdom “Yes, there is an API you can use to force a garbage collection, but don’t ever call it – the garbage collector can do a better job on its own”. Here’s the thinking behind that statement:
Garbage collection is a relatively expensive operation. As we’ve seen, a collection involves “suspending” threads, traversing object graphs, moving blocks of memory around and so on. Each time you force a collection, you’re forcing the Compact CLR to, at a minimum, get all threads to a state in which a collection can start, and scan the object graph looking for unused objects. Clearly, calling GC.Collect() repeatedly will have a seriously negative performance impact. The Compact Framework’s collector will kick in automatically after 750KB of objects have been created. As such, collections do happen occasionally - they don’t only happen when memory is exhausted. Furthermore, when a call to GC.Collect() returns, you can’t be guaranteed that all object finalizers have finished running. As a result, you cannot force a collection in hopes of deterministically finalizing a particular object (use the Dispose pattern to deterministically free resources associated with an object). That said, it is possible that you may have a scenario in which you’ll benefit by initiating collections yourself. If you believe you have such a scenario, feel free to try it, but be aware of the implications and measure performance carefully to make sure you’re not doing more harm than good.

from Steven Pratschner's .Net CF WebLog - link to above article can be found here.

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